Session materials from php|tek 2008
Today I presented The Ins and Outs of FileMaker/PHP Hybrid Solutions at php|tek in Chicago.
Here are the slides from the talk in ppt format and in pdf format.
The demo solution files can be found in this zip archive. It includes the FileMaker and PHP files plus a readme file and a pdf of my slides. Enjoy.
NOTE: Full access username is "Admin" and password is blank on the downloadable demo FileMaker files.
If you want to look at a hosted version of the demo solution, you can connect to the Mac Mini in my hallway closet (be merciful!):
FileMaker Pro client "staff login" fmnet:/
Test credentials pclark:pclark
Web browser "user login"
Create your own user credentials
Here are the slides from the talk in ppt format and in pdf format.
The demo solution files can be found in this zip archive. It includes the FileMaker and PHP files plus a readme file and a pdf of my slides. Enjoy.
NOTE: Full access username is "Admin" and password is blank on the downloadable demo FileMaker files.
If you want to look at a hosted version of the demo solution, you can connect to the Mac Mini in my hallway closet (be merciful!):
FileMaker Pro client "staff login" fmnet:/
Test credentials pclark:pclark
Web browser "user login"
Create your own user credentials