Behavior of FileMaker Global Calculation Fields
Global Calc fields in FileMaker are often ignored because they are poorly understood. The inimitable Ray Cologon offered the following analysis some time ago. I came across a re-post of it from Mike Kim in my FMDiSC mail archive. It's so useful, I thought I would share it back out again: 1. A global calc will update automatically if it references a global field that is located in the same table and that field is edited by the current user. 2. A global calc will update automatically if it references a regular field that is located in the same table (and referenced directly) when that field is edited on any record by the current user. In this instance, the value of the global calc will depend on the value of the referenced field in the record in which that field has most recently been edited. When the global calc references multiple regular fields, its value will depend on the values in the instances of those fields located on the particular record where the most recently edit...